High Tech Homes
We already use cutting edge technology in our computers, phones,
watches, and cars, and now it’s heading into our homes.
There’s no shortage of high tech kitchen gadgets, from simplifying everyday tasks to solving common problems, tech is taking over modern kitchens. Imagine a refrigerator magnet that lets you scan barcodes and verbally add items to a shopping list, which is transferred to a smartphone app so it’s ready to go whenever you decide to stop by the store. How about a WiFi enabled food scale that can also suggest recipes and substitute ingredients if you’re short on milk? These are just a couple of the high tech kitchen gadgets making their way into new kitchens!
Gone are the days of outdated thermostats and inefficient heating and cooling of your home. High tech thermostats can be controlled remotely when you’re away from home, or set to conserve energy when you leave. Left for vacation and forgot to turn down the temperature? No problem, you can change it from your smartphone! Not only can these thermostat systems help you stay connected from afar, but some can even give you stats about your energy consumption and ways to reduce your monthly costs!
Front Door
Another modern tech trend in homes starts at the front door. High tech doorbells can now be equipped with a camera, microphone, and speaker, so you can see and talk to visitors before you even answer the door! Away from home? Your smartphone can notify you when someone rings the doorbell and you can say hi from across town via an app. Not expecting company? See who it is before you open the door.
Not only can you see who’s at your door, with a high tech smart lock, you can also remotely lock or unlock the door with a connected smartphone app. Never worry if you remembered to lock the door again, simply log into your smartphone app and lock the door from anywhere!